Sunday 9 November 2008


I have had an unsociable weekend. I have only spoken to about 5 people in total, and most of these conversations consisted of 'This one please' and 'Thank you'

Today I went to B&Q and got a spray paint gloss (!) which I have used to gloss two out of 4 chairs. It stinks but oh its quick. Will do the other two + a second coating in a few weeks.

I made coq au vin on Thursday night and have eaten it through the weekend, it just gets better. I added spelt towards the end so it became kind of a spelt risotto coq au vin. Oh so handy as I like one pot cooking.

Today I made cardamom buns as well, mmmm. And I finished the beret. Hmm... this time the needle was too big so its more like a big untidy hat than a beret. Am not sure if I can be bothered with a third attempt.


Eva-L said...

Jag har en sån bra julklappsidé till dig, ska vi byta julklappar? Du behöver inte tänka ut nåt särskilt till mig. (Montezuma)

Barb said...


sorry did not reply to your txt, was poorly poorly. Have now had my alloted sick time and am back on my feet. Miss you. We need to do something for an evening out!

Evova said...


Evova said...

Barb - hope you are feeling better! Did you catch the boys sickness or was it something different?