Tuesday 3 July 2007


I have put myself on a diet after weeks of overindulging. I had hoped that the Delhi trip would sort out the weight gain by giving me a few days of general food intolerance but nope not this time.

So now I have a headache because I thought I should also give up tea while I was at it. I have found a nice alternative (Pukka tea - Detox) but it seems my body wants something more. Also while my lunch (beetroot soup with rice cakes and hoummous) was nice it could have been nicer. And while snacking on strawberries and peaches in theory is lovely right now I would love a doughnut.

Luckily we are going out for lunch with work tomorrow so I can start planning what I will eat already, making sure I make the most of it as dinner will have to be soup or salad.

But dont feel too sorry for me, dinner is stir fried pak choi, fresh peas and courgettes from the garden served with brown rice, dessert is raspberries and blueberries. I just want some ice cream with that...


Eva-L said...

I donät feel sorry for you but I cannot understand why you give up tea. Why? Why?

Barb said...

How about snacking on a strawberry flavour doughnut? I am sure that thats totaly acceptable. Maybe you need to go to Wagamama's and have a healthy bento box?


Eva-L said...

I want the roast blood peach tart from that place. What did you have?

anna said...

nämen te kan du väl få dricka i alla fall..?

Evova said...

ok went a bit overboard, but giving up tea means i dont go to the cantene as often so i dont expose myself to potential hazards like danishes and chocolates. am on pukka herbal tea, is ok. and loovely packaging!