Friday 8 January 2010

Dec 31 1999- Dec 31 2009

Ten years. Had to start from new years eve as it was too much fun to not include. At EL and J's apartment in Uppsala and with lots of friends, lots of food and lots of booze. Clearest memory being standing by Carolina Rediviva in snow (-20) watching fire works and drinking waaay too cold Bolly.

2000-2009 - moved to Brighton, met JD, moved in with JD in a little cottage, got our own little house, moved to the US.

Worked a lot, travelled quite a bit, made some new friends and managed to maintain most of my old ones. Had a great time. Loved this decade. May the next one be even better!


Barb said...

Haha, cannot imagine you ever drinking too much Bolly!!!!

Ten years seems to have flown by and you have done a lot, lets see what the summary is of these ten years. B xxxx

anna said...

ja, den nyårsaftonen var något alldeles särskilt... hoppas ni har en underbar smekmånad! kram!