Saturday 7 March 2009


I would say that in general I dont lie that often about books that I havent read (well possibly I might have done at uni about 'Ulysses' by that Irish bloke but probably not since then). Anyway, this article made me think through the books I do read and love and possibly wouldnt admit to except I think its silly to have pretentions around what books you read, films you see, tv series you follow.

Nr 1: Barbara Cartland. Anything by her. I have probably read most, bought second hand and then passed on to greatful friends (you know who you are)

Nr 2: Fantasy. I cant remember any of the storylines and that is the charm. Fairy tales for grown ups and quite addictive.

Nr 3: Childrens fiction. Not just HP and Northern Lights, but other random series that are written for anyone from 10-14 but probably not with a 35 year old in mind.

My best is when you combine nr 2 and nr3 - like Lirael or Twilight or Wintersmith. Does it get better than that?

1 comment:

Eva-L said...

I'm one and I'm proud. There's nothing better than reading Barbara Cartland, L.M. Montgomery, Laura Ingalls Wilder or David Eddings when in Skåne.